Adsense cabecera

Someone great

- I don’t know if you know this, man, but love is a lie
- Bitch, please

You’ve been blessed with a broken heart. When it doesn’t hurt anymore, that’s when it’s really over. Live in this as long as you can.

Do you think I can have one more kiss? I’ll find closure on your lips and then I’ll go. Maybe also one more breakfast, one more lunch, and one more dinner. I’ll be full and happy and we can part. But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time. One more prolonged moment where time suspends indefinitely as I rest my head on your chest. My hope is if we add up the “one mores”, they will equal a lifetime, and I’ll never have to get to the part where I let you go. But that’s not real, is it? There are no more “one mores”. I met you when everything was new and exciting and the possibilities of the world seemed endless. And they still are. For you, for me, but not for us. Somewhere between then and now, here and there, I guess we didn’t just grow apart, we grew up. When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you can fix it. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t break, they shatter. But when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter. And in those moments, when the pieces of what we were catch the sun I’ll remember just how beautiful it was. Just how beautiful it’ll always be, because it was us and we were magic. Forever.


Grey's Anatomy - Season 15



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Grey's Anatomy 15x01

There is a portion of the cerebral cortex of your brain fall the deepest area between the temporal and frontex lobes. It's called the insula, and it's where desire starts. The insula is only about the size of a pea, but it triggers in our bodies and, by exception, in our lives, can be epic.

We'd like to imagine that we're in control. But more often than not the chemicals in our brains control us. The insula lights up and we are compelled to change our lives. Compelled by longing, compelled by yearning, compelled by desire for more...

Grey's Anatomy 15x02 

Just like we need food and water, humans need each other. A brain study revealed that, when placed in an MRI, a patient's reward center lit up when another person sat in the room. Neurons fire when we talk to someone, think about someone. And they go haywire when we hold someone's hand. Our brains and bodies are actually programmed to seek each other out and connect. So, then why do so many people prefer being alone?

Why do we often run for the hills when we feel the slightest connection? Why do we feel compelled to fight what we're hard-wired to do? Maybe it's because when we find something or someone to hold onto, that feeling becomes like air and we're terrified we're going to lose it... And trust me, you can get pretty good at the alone thing. But most things are better when they're shared with someone else.

Cable girls - Season 3


Cable girls 3x01

A long time ago, having a child would've been a problem for me. Now I was willing to do the impossible to save her life. To give her the future I wasn't able to have. While I was lying on the ground I could only think one thing: a mother's love can overcome anything. But can it really? Is it able to overcome all adversity? Or is it a lie we tell ourselves?
Sometimes when you feel you're running out of time a new life begins...

While we waited for our loved ones to come out of the church alive I could only think of one thing... Time was running against us and there was nothing I could do, nothing.

In a matter of seconds, that fire changed not only my life but my friends lives too. For time grants no truces and throws no lifelines. Time is an unjust partner that never remembers what you've gone through. It forgets everything as soon as it happens. And all you're left with are memories... There's no going back. The time to give in has come to face one's mistakes and pay for them.

Sometimes, when you feel like there's nothing you can do, when there's nothing left but the deepest pain time stands still.

We were only sure of one thing, my daughter was still alive and together we'd get her back. There was no time to lose... 

Love, Simon

To see the video click here

Sometimes, I feel like I'm stuck on a ferris wheel. One minute I'm on top of the world, and the next, I'm at rock bottom. Over and over, all day long. Because a lot of my life is great, but nobody knows I'm gay.

Is it weird that I have no idea what you look like but I can't stop thinking about kissing you?

- What kind of person are you?
- I think I'm the kind of person who is destined to care so much about one person it nearly kills me

Why is straight the default?

- Tell me about this guy you love
- You sure?
- Yeah. It'll help me kill of the hetero Simon in my mind

I am done being scared. I'm done living in a world where I don't get to be who I am. I deserve a great love story.

Love, Simon

Fifty shades freed

For soundtrack click here

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- You own this?
- We own this

- You love me?
- You know I love you
- So, why do you defy me?
- Because I can

- I should misbehave more often
- Like a child…

I’m not ready to share you with anyone

- I’ll pick you up at five
- I might not be done by then

- Please stop speaking to my husband as if I weren’t here
- Ok Ana. I have design many prestige projects…
- You may call me Mrs. Grey and this is not a prestige project, this is gonna be our home. So, if you want this job I suggest you stop making eyes at my husband and keep your hands to yourself

- Good morning wife
- Good morning husband

- I hate you, you are so…
- What?
- Married…

Christian you are my whole life

I feel pretty

For trailer songs click here

- Are you shopping for a gift?
- Kind of browsing for me
- So sizing is a little limited here in the store but you could probably find your size online
- Ok...

I have a crazy idea. Let's be honest for a minute, no matter how many times we hear "it's what's on the inside that matters". Women know deep down it's what's on the outside that the whole world judges.

- You ok?
- I'm just like dealing with low self-esteem
- I want to punch you right in your dumb face right now. Do you have every rib that I have?

I've always wondered what it feels like to be just undeniably pretty.

- This would be quite a large promotion for you. What are your goals exactly?
- I get in and yes modeling is an option for me but it's not who I am
- Wow...

You just have all the confidence in the world. I think a lot of people completely miss the thing that really makes them awesome, and you're not like that.

- I thought you might want to sneak peek of what's to come
- I don't know if you know what it's sneak peek means. You're completely naked...