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The Post

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- Is that legal?
- So, what is it you think we do here for a living, kid?

The only way to protect your right to publish is to publish.

I think guilt was a bigger motivator than courage

If the public ever saw this papers they'll turn against the war…

They knew we couldn't win and still sent boys to die.

- Do you have the papers?
- Not… yet

- Oh! Must be precious cargo
- Yeah, it’s just government secrets

She says… WE PUBLISH!

Kay is in a position she never thought she’ll be in. Position I’m sure plenty of people don’t think she should have. And when you’re told time and time again that you are not good enough, that your opinion doesn’t matter as much… When they don’t just look past you, when to them you are not even there, when that’s been your reality for so long it’s hard enough to let yourself think it’s true. So, to make this decision, to risk her fortune and the company that’s been her entirely life… well, I think that’s brave.

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